Auburn University – Within Auburn University’s overall mission as the state’s Land Grant University, the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences’ goal is to develop and maintain an outstanding faculty with the diverse backgrounds necessary to provide Auburn students and the citizens of Alabama with superior programs in forestry and wildlife education, research, and public service
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Forest Sciences – The mission for the Department of Forest Sciences is to generate and provide knowledge to students and resource users that is important to the successful long-term management of forest resources in Alaska and the circumpolar north.
University of Arizona – The primary mission of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research is to apply dendrochronology (the study of tree rings) to improve understanding of natural environmental variability in climatic, hydrologic, geomorphic, and ecological systems and their interactions with human societies.
Northern Arizona University School of Forestry – The NAU School of Forestry offers a program that is nationally regarded for its unique approach to undergraduate education and is accredited by the Society of American Foresters. We are deeply committed to further understanding and protecting the environment, and our integrated, multidisciplinary approach prepares you for a broad range of careers.
University of Arkansas at Monticello, School of Forest Resources – UAM holds the distinction of having the only school of forestry in the state; our program ranks among the nation’s leaders. Our location in southern Arkansas, at the heart of the state’s forestry activity, allows students to rub elbows with professional foresters and land managers and learn first hand what you can’t get in any classroom.
California Polytechnic State University, NRM Department – The Forestry and Natural Resources major will prepare you for and important role in conservation and management of our forested ecosystems and related natural resources. You will qualify for such positions as forester, environmental interpreter, urban forester, environmental specialist, park administrator, resource manager, park ranger, resource planner, watershed manager, fire management specialist and forest hydrologist.
- Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute – UFEI was developed by the Natural Resources Management Department faculty to address the increasing need for improved management of the urban forests in California. The purpose of the institute at Cal Poly is to provide a center for: applied research, extension and technology transfer, and community service and outreach programs assisting landowners and public agencies in improving the management of urban forests.
Humboldt State University: Forestry and Wildland Resources Department – Humboldt State is located in the heart of the coast redwood forest. This environment provides outdoor classrooms for more than half of the courses we offer. Forestry and watershed management are incorporative disciplines, drawing from the biological, physical, social, and managerial sciences. The curriculum aids in understanding the biological complexities of the forest and the interactions between the forest and social and economic demands.
University of California, Berkeley – Forestry and Resource Management – The Forestry major is a professional program that emphasizes timber and forest management, while the Resource Management major tackles broader natural resource issues. The skills and experience gained through summer camp and lower division classes are shared by both majors, while the upper division coursework allows students to concentrate in forestry, wildlife, soil and watershed, grassland and woodland, and general natural resources.
Colorado State University, College of Natural Resources – In the College of Natural Resources we are dedicated to ensuring that every student is engaged in a supportive learning environment with other students and faculty. We are also committed to offering a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs that directly address today’s most important environmental and natural resource issues. Our programs are grounded in state-of-the-art science and technologies and involve students in direct problem-solving experiences.
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies – The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is committed to promoting the long-term health of the biosphere and the sustainability of its natural resources by providing new leadership and new knowledge. Both are essential in guiding humanity toward a harmonious relationship with the natural environment.
University of Florida – School of Forest Resources & Conservation – Since 1937 the School has been a unit of the University of Florida. Undergraduate and graduate education focuses on sustainable, multiple-use management of both bio-physical and socio-economic aspects of natural resources.
University of Georgia – Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources – Established in 1906, the Warnell School provides five degree path programs in forestry and natural resource science and management. These include the forestry, wildlife, fisheries and aquaculture, water and soil resources and the natural resource recreation and tourism programs. With more than fifty faculty and 23,000 acres of teaching lands, the Warnell School is the southeast’s oldest, and one of the most respected, forestry and natural resource education providers in the United States. The School also houses one of the largest study abroad programs in the nation to provide global learning opportunities for its students.
Mary Kahrs Warnell Forest Eductaion Center – is a part of the University of Georgia, Daniel B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. Our website provides information about K-12 educational programs available at the Center, information about the Center for the general public and information about the variety of forest habitats located on our 3,300 acre forest. The mission of the Mary Kahrs Warnell Forest Education Center is to provide high quality eductaional programs about sustainable forest management and forest ecosystems to K-12 students, natural resource professional and the general public.
University of Hawaii Forestry Extension – This is the website of the extension forestry program of the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agricultural and Human Resources Cooperative Extension Service.
University of Idaho – College of Natural Resources – Our degree programs are nationally distinctive and are accredited by their respective organizations, including: The Society of American Foresters, the Society of Rangeland Ecology and Management, and the Association for Fire Ecology.
University of Illinois, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences – endeavors to establish and implement research and educational programs that enhance environmental stewardship in the management and use of natural, agricultural and urban systems in a socially responsible manner.
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale – Department of Forestry – offers extensive course and research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate study. The diverse backgrounds of the forestry faculty, together with our comprehensive curriculum, individual attention to students, excellent research facilities, and location, combine to make the SIUC Forestry Program one of the most exciting in the United States.
Purdue University – Our mission is to develop and disseminate knowledge in the natural resource sciences associated with the protection, management, and sustainable use of forests and related ecosystems.
Iowa State University: Natural Resource Ecology and Management Department – The formation of the Natural Resource Ecology and Management Department through the merger of the Animal Ecology and Forestry Departments will provide the means and facilities to continue the growth of our programs in forestry, fisheries, wildlife, and wood science; while providing the platform on which to build new programs.
ISU Forestry Extension – Knowledge That Works – Forestry Extension offers many educational opportunities and can also custom prepare forestry educational materials or programs to meet the needs of clients.
University of Kentucky – Department of Forestry – The Department of Forestry is one of ten academic departments in the College of Agriculture. It was established in 1969 with primary responsibility for research, instruction, and extension programs in forest and wildland natural resources.
Louisiana State University, School of Renewable Natural Resources – The Bachelor of Science in Forestry (B.S.F.) degree program is in the School of Renewable Natural Resources and requires the completion of 134 semester hours of course credits. The program contains a common core of 103 hours of course work taken by all forestry students that includes the LSU General Education Requirement (38-39 hours). While completing the core requirements, you must choose one of two areas of concentration to earn the remaining 31 hours of credit for the B.S.F. degree.
Louisiana State University, Agricultural Center Extension – Environment & Natural Resources – Provides information and education for natural resource management professionals, forestland owners, wildlife enthusiasts, and environmental stakeholders.
Louisiana Tech University, School of Forestry – offers majors and minors in Forestry, Wildlife Conservation, and Geographic Information Science (GIS). Students who earn a Bachelor of Science in Forestry (BSF), Wildlife Conservation (BS), or Geographic Information Science (BS) learn skills and philosophies that are very valuable in today’s job market.
University of Maine – College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture – The four-year curriculum, accredited by the Society of American Foresters, requires completion of 128 credits of coursework. In addition to the University’s general education requirements in science, human values, communications, and mathematics, the curriculum includes forest-oriented courses in biology, soil science, measurements, mapping, inventory, protection, ecology, tree culture, economics, policy, and administration.
University of Massachusetts, Department of Natural Resources Conservation – The Department of Natural Resources Conservation is part of the College of Food and Natural Resources, which is responsible for the Land-Grant activities of the University. The Department offers undergraduate degrees in Natural Resource Studies, Forestry, and Building Materials and Wood Technology, and a two-year degree in Arboriculture and Park Management.
University of Massachusetts Amherst – Extension Landscape, Nursery, and Urban Forestry Program: to educate landscape, nursery and turf professionals by providing programs and research-based information on the best horticultural practices and technology for environmental stewardship in nursery and landscape management. The Urban Forestry Diagnostic Lab is located in room 107 Holdsworth Natural Resources Center at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The lab evaluates woody plant specimens for problems caused by insects and disease.
The University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment – remains an international leader in educating students to be innovative and effective stewards of the environment. The School’s facilities include terrestrial, aquatic, and analytical laboratories; a microcomputer laboratory; a remote-sensing laboratory; a computer graphics laboratory for landscape architecture; and a geographic information systems laboratory.
- Ecosystem Management Initiative – The Ecosystem Management Initiative is housed in the School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Michigan State University – Formally established in 1902, the undergraduate forestry program at Michigan State University is the oldest existing in the United States and is widely recognized as one of the nation’s finest. Even before the Department of Forestry became part of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, MSU faculty had begun research and teaching with the goal of ensuring forests for Michigan’s future.
Michigan Technological University – School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science – The School’s mission is to prepare students to sustainably manage our natural resources. We provide leadership in forestry and in natural resource science, management, and education.
University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources – The department has a long and distinguished history. The unit began as a division in the University of Minnesota Department of Agriculture in the early 1900s, then as part of a school of forestry, and finally as a department in 1970. The forestry undergraduate curricula have been accredited by the Society of American Foresters continuously since 1935.
- University of Minnesota Duluth, Natural Resources Research Institute – As part of the University of Minnesota , the Natural Resources Research Institute fosters economic development of Minnesota’s natural resources in an environmentally sound manner to promote private sector employment.
Mississippi State University – The College of Forest Resources includes the departments of forestry; wildlife, fisheries and aquaculture; and forest products. We offer two majors with eleven options and hundreds of careers. The research arm of the College is the Forest and Wildlife Research Center and we work closely with the Mississippi Agricultural and Experiment Station. The outreach arm of the College is the MSU Extension Service.
University of Missouri, School of Natural Resources – If you are interested a career that combines work in the out-of-doors with science, Forestry may be just what you are looking for Foresters are applied ecologists who do hands-on management of forest ecosystems. Their work is done within an ethical framework of sustainable use of forests and of stewardship.
University of Montana – College of Forestry and Conservation – was founded in 1913, one of the first programs accredited by the Society of American Foresters. The College has earned nationwide respect for the quality of its programs, and it has produced some of the nation’s finest natural resource managers. The College has three departments: Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, Forest Management, and Society and Conservation. Research and outreach activities are administered through the Montana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station, a state-wide agency of the Montana University System.
New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire – The Department of Natural Resources at UNH offers a Bachelor’s of Science in Forestry degree (B.S.F.), as well as a Master’s degree in Natural Resources with an option in Forestry (M.S.). Our goal is to provide students and professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to become leaders in research, management, and conservation of the world’s natural resources.
New York
Cornell University – Forest Resources Extension – Cornell’s Forest Resources Extension page provides educational assistance to private forest landowners. Links are provided to connect owners to publications, presentations, volunteer organizations, landownner associations, and technical consultants.
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry – College of Environmental Science and Forestry. ESF’s forestry program is science-based and values-driven. The integration of values and scientific facts characterize professions that are successful in democracies. ESF-trained foresters are able to integrate these two threads in America’s complex society.
North Carolina
Duke University—Nicholas School of the Environment – is one of the world’s premier graduate/professional schools for the interdisciplinary study of the environment, combining resources from the biological, physical and social sciences. It is headquartered in the state-of-the-art Levine Science Research Center on the Duke University campus.
Haywood Community College – offers Associates degree programs and online courses in forest management and fish and wildlife management. Located in the mountains of western NC, our programs are very hands on with lots of outdoor labs. Students participate in intercollegiate timbersports and get jobs after graduation!
North Carolina State University – The Department of Forestry is one of three departments in the College of Natural Resources. The Department occupies two buildings on South campus; Jordan Hall houses the main administrative offices, the Natural Resources Library, as well as offices and classrooms; and Biltmore Hall contains faculty, staff, and graduate student offices, laboratories, and the computer lab.
Forestry Educational Outreach Program, NC State University – provides continuing forestry and natural resource education to professionals, landowners, public and private land managers, and all the citizens of North Carolina and beyond; delivers timely, relevant, and unbiased information to natural resource professionals, landowners, and other stakeholders; and provides organized forums for discussion and exchange of information, ideas, and perspectives on natural resource management and stewardship.
Wayne Community College Forest Management Technology – The Forest Management Technology Program at Wayne Community College is designed to train entry level technicians for forestry and other natural resources related jobs including state and federal forest service organizations, forest industry, forestry consultants, environmental consultants, and many other natural resources related organizations. We are the oldest program of this type in the state and one of the oldest in The Eastern U.S. We are located in Eastern North Carolina in Goldsboro in close proximity to varied forestry operations. Our focus is on a practical education with an emphasis on field application of forestry principles and practices.
The Ohio State University, School of Natural Resources – within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the science and management of natural resources and the environment in harmony with its human dimensions. The School’s premise is that the well-being of people and their society is based on maintaining the integrity of the biosphere and its ecosystems with wise use and management of its natural resources. Graduates are employed as environmental scientists, ecosystem managers and researchers, environmental educators, foresters, park rangers and administrators, resource management specialists and technicians.
Oregon State University – Welcome to the College of Forestry at Oregon State University. This page is a starting point from which you can take a guided tour of the College of Forestry and learn more about us.
- Oregon State University – College of Forestry Outreach Education – The Forestry Outreach Education Office at Oregon State University provides state-of-the-art events which respond to important issues and educational needs of forestry professionals and others. Audiences for these events are typically interested people who are not usually resident at OSU, and who usually are not involved in OSU’s resident instruction degree programs. Outreach education involves a variety of formats with short courses, workshops, field tours, institute programs, colloquia, and symposia common offerings. Events are frequently certified by professional societies and some events are offered for regular course credit.
Pennsylvania State University, School of Forest Resources – The School of Forest Resources’ mission is to provide educational opportunities and science-based information to protect, manage, and use natural resources for sustained benefits. This is accomplished through educational, research, and service programs in forestry, wildlife and fisheries, forest products, and related areas. Penn State’s School of Forest Resources represents one of the most highly regarded forestry, wood products, water resources, and wildlife and fisheries programs in the nation.
South Carolina
Clemson University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources – was formed in 2003 with the merger of the Department of Forest Resources and the Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Wildlife. Faculty from the Clemson Institute of Environmental Toxicology also joined the new department. The Department now offers B.S., M.S., M.F.R., and Ph.D. degree programs in Forest Resources, B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, and heavily supports the B.S. degree in Environmental and Natural Resources.
University of Tennessee Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries – The homepage of the University of Tennessee’s Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries Teaching, Research, and Extension sections.
Stephen F. Austin University – Arthur Temple College of Forestry – The mission of the Arthur Temple College of Forestry is to maintain excellence in teaching, research, and outreach to enhance the health and vitality of the environment through sustainable management, conservation, and protection of our forests and natural resources.
Texas A&M University – The Department of Forest Science is one of fourteen academic units in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and one of four departments in the Institute of Renewable Natural Resources at Texas A&M University, the largest and most comprehensive land-grant institution in the region.
Utah State University: College of Natural Resource – Forestry majors at Utah State University work to gain the knowledge and skills they’ll need to manage public or private forests for a wide variety of resources: timber, recreation, water, biological diversity, and more. The goal of the Department of Forest Resources is to provide America’s future foresters with the broadest possible understanding of the biological, physical, economic, political, and social environment that they’ll be working in as forestry professionals.
- Utah State University Forestry Extension – Forestry Extension provides educational programs and materials on forests, forestry, and trees for Utahans. Program areas include rural and conservation forestry, forestry in the wildland-urban interface, and urban/community forestry.
Virginia Tech – The Department of Forestry is one of three departments in the College of Natural Resources at Virginia Tech. Undergraduate degree options are maintained in forest resource management, industrial forestry operations, environmental resource management, and outdoor recreation.
University of Washington – School of Environmental and Forest Sciences – holds a position of national and international leadership in both instruction and research. The College is dedicated to generating and disseminating knowledge for the stewardship of natural and managed environments and the use of their products and services through teaching, research, and professional and public outreach.
- University of Washington Olympic Natural Resources Center – Acting on a recommendation made by the Commission on Old Growth Alternatives for Washington’s Forest Trust Lands, the Washington State legislature created the Olympic Natural Resources Center as part of the University of Washington. The mission of the Center is to conduct research and education on natural resource management practices which integrate ecological and economic values.
Grays Harbor Community College – GHC provides two forestry programs, one a 4 year BS degree in Forest Resource Management and an Associates Degree/Workforce Training forestry program.
Green River Community College – The Green River Natural Resources degree options prepare students for immediate employment in forestry, wildfire, water quality, and park management as applied to natural resources, or to continue at universities with natural resources programs.
West Virginia
West Virginia University – The Division of Forestry has four programs of study: Forest Resources Management, Wood Industries, Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Management, and Wildlife and Fisheries Resources. The first three of these programs are accredited by the Society of American Foresters, the Society of Wood Science and Technology, and the National Recreation and Parks Association, respectively.
University of Wisconsin – Madison: Forest Ecology and Management – The department provides a well-integrated interdisciplinary education based on science and management skills essential for leadership and service in the conservation and management of forest ecosystems. Faculty generate new knowledge about domestic and international forest resources through basic and applied research, and promote sound management and utilization of forest resources by transferring knowledge to the public for use in solving practical problems.
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point – The nation’s largest and premier undergraduate program in natural resources and environmental management with over 1,400 students and 350 forestry majors. Accredited by Society of American Foresters since 1976 with majors in Forest Administration & Utilization, Forest Management, Urban Forestry, Forest Recreation, and Ecosystem Restoration & Management. UWSP’s integrated, multi-dicsipline program features practical, hands-on field training and state-of-the-art GPS/GIS technology. The defining learning experience is the College’s required 6-week summer field training session at its 1,200-acre Treehaven field station in northern Wisconsin.